Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Departure - Fears, Tears & Cheers!

On Thursday and Friday of last week, the rest of the North American missionaries were sent back to the United States.  It was two days of fears, tears, and cheers.  Fears for the uncertain future of one's missionary service. Tears for having to leave the mission early.  Cheers for the blessing of relationships forged in the fire of service.

Over a period of two days, groups of missionaries would come to the mission office, weigh their luggage and discard what they could not take with them; pick up their departure packets; meet with President & Sister Barlow to hear their final testimony and their words of encouragement; take a photo; receive a final handshake or hug; load into the shuttle or taxi; and depart for the Quito airport; All before 2 PM so that there would not be a violation of Ecuador's curfew.

At each departure meeting, President Barlow shared this scripture:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, that when I give a commandment to any of the sons [and daughters] of men to do a work unto my name, and those sons [and daughters] of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work, and cease not their diligence, and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons [and daughters] of men, but to accept of their offerings."
Doctrine & Covenants 124:49

I am sure it can be said of missionaries throughout the world who are being sent home because of COVID-19, that they have worked with all their might and diligence to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  It's our prayer that each missionary will seek to feel the assurance ..... "[that God] accepts of their offerings."

Missionaries taking Embassy flights could only check in 30 lbs. of luggage and carry-on 10 lbs.
They had to leave bags behind and lighten the luggage they took with them.

We have a greater appreciation for the early Saints who had to lighten
their handcarts or wagons while traveling West.

Three rooms on the 5th floor of the office complex were used for
missionaries to leave behind what they could not take.  Clothing, shoes, books,
cosmetics/medications, bedding, towels, etc.
Final group of departing missionaries meet with President & Sister Barlow. 
President closed the meeting with his blessing and a prayer.  Tears flowed freely.

Sister Barlow & Sister Lewis with the last group of sister missionaries to leave for the Quito airport on Friday, March 27th.
(L-R) - Sister Morrill, Sister Johnson, Sister Allison, Sister Packer, Sister Beeler, Sister Webster, Sister Millet,
Sister Liesmann, Sister Robertson, Sister Bartholomew, Sister Lewis, Sister Merrill, Sister Godfrey, Sister Barlow.

President & Sister Barlow with the last group of North American missionaries to leave for the
Quito Airport on Friday, March 27th.

Masked missionaries with their luggage and departure packets,
leaving the mission office for the Quito airport on Friday, March 27th.

President & Sister Barlow give their final farewell to Elder Tolman (office secretary)
and Elder Wright (Assistant to the President).

Elder Orben (new AP) & Elder Ramirez (new office Elder) say "Farewell" and offer
curbside assistance at the mission office for departing North American missionaries.
It has been a challenging two weeks as the Ecuador Quito Mission, under prophetic direction, has responded to the challenges and changes that COVID-19 has brought about.  We are now settling into a quiet routine of sustaining the mission with 72 Latino missionaries who are currently quarantined and unable to return to their home countries. 

Elder Lewis and I are spending 2 - 4 hours in the mission office each day with the 3 Assistants to the President - Elder Fueres (new AP/former housing secretary), Elder Orben (new), and Elder Ruiz (current and continuing AP); and the 2 office Elders - Elder Felix (current and continuing housing secretary) and Elder Ramirez (new).  Only two of the five Elders speak English, but we are able to communicate and we have accomplished a lot in a short amount of time.

Luggage that was left behind has been inventoried and stored with the hope of
returning it to the right missionary at a future date.

For the last three days we have been organizing and sorting all the items that the missionaries left behind.
The 3 rooms on the 5th floor are now clean and organized.  Clothing and shoes have been added to
the missionary store.  Books have been sorted and put in the missionary library.  Hygiene and cosmetic
items are boxed and waiting to be shelved. And, we are hoping for laundry mats (lavanderias) to open soon
so we can have bedding, towels, and dirty clothes (white shirts, socks, exercise/sports clothes)
laundered and added to the missionary store.
This weekend, we are looking forward to hearing from our living prophet - President Russell M. Nelson.  As he said in October's conference, "General conference next April will be different from any previous conference.  In the next six months, I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restore gospel."

If we are prepared for this wonderful semi-annual event, President Nelson has promised that, "....general conference next April will be not only memorable; it will be unforgettable."  

Conference viewing times and options can be found at:

Blessings to ALL!
Elder & Sister Lewis

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