Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Images of Quarantine - Enduring & Enjoying!

"One picture is worth a thousand words." This saying was invented by an advertising executive, Fred R. Barnard. To promote his agency's ads he took out an ad in Printer's Ink in 1921 with the headline “One Look Is Worth a Thousand Words” and attributed it to an ancient Japanese philosopher. Six years later he changed it to “Chinese Proverb: One Picture Is Worth Ten Thousand Words,” illustrated with some Chinese characters. The attribution in both was invented; Barnard simply believed an Asian origin would give it more credibility. 

Barnard's adage is my inspiration for this blog post as Elder Lewis and I continue to endure and enjoy quarantine sanctions in Quito.  For now, quarantine with curfew hours from 2 PM - 5 AM, will continue through April 30th.  All citizens are required to wear mask when in public and additional measures have been taken to reduce the spread of Covid-19:
1 - with very few exceptions, NO vehicles were allowed on the streets over Easter weekend
2 - major grocery stores like Supermaxi are fumigating customers before they enter the store

Here are a few images we thought you might enjoy:

Pigeons are numerous on the streets of Quito and recently they have shown respect for "social distancing."
Social distancing wasn't too helpful when standing downwind from this individual
in the line outside of Supermaxi!

Fumigation is now required to enter Supermaxi.
I'm not sure what disinfectant is being used in the plastic container,
but it was colorless and odorless!

For those of you who prefer "farm to table" eggs,
this is what it looks like in Ecuador. 

A view from the 11th floor terrace of our apartment complex at sundown while expending some
evening energy by walking circles on the terrace.

Sunsets in Quito are beautiful!

As the sun sets, city lights come on.  

A popcorn treat to compliment our ..... "What can we do to improve our marriage?" discussion.
On Good Friday, April 10th, we were grateful to join with millions of others in fasting and praying that the global pandemic of Covid-19 would be abated.  We are confident our Heavenly Father heard our individual and collective petitions.  In the meantime, we hope and pray that you too are enduring well, and finding enjoyment in, the restrictions and lifestyle changes that the virus has brought upon us.

We are grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We know that He lives, and through Him we can find purpose and peace during these challenging times.

Blessings to all!
Elder & Sister Lewis

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