Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Are We Getting Lazy?

As I stare at my keyboard, I wonder what I can write that might be of interest to family and friends.  We have been quarantined for 5+ weeks and each day seems to get a little slower and a little longer with less and less to do at the mission office.

Truthfully, I worry that we're getting lazy.  We get up in the morning, exercise, shower, and get ready for the day.  Then we have individual study, companionship study and discussion, companionship language study, and breakfast.  After breakfast, we leave for the mission office. We work for as long as there is something to keep us busy and then we walk back to our apartment; sometimes stopping along the way at a small market to buy milk, eggs, or fresh fruit.   By 2 PM we are indoors and quarantined  for the rest of the day.

We do find things to keep us busy, but our options are limited.  Daily highlights include visiting with missionaries, communicating with family, reading, preparing healthy meals, watching a Hallmark movie in Spanish, checking the news, journaling, etc.

I keep thinking of all the things we could be doing IF...... quarantine was lifted, missionary work was happening, stores were opened, and traveling was allowed.  I know that the hours in our day from 2 - 10 PM would look a lot different.

You might be asking if we're sorry that we didn't return to the US with the rest of the North American missionaries.  Nope....not yet!  We're grateful for the opportunity to continue our missionary service. We love the Quito weather and the time we spend together.  And, we enjoy having someplace meaningful to go everyday, even if its only for a few hours.

We suspect that you are feeling much like us and that you're looking forward to the day when life will return to some degree of normalcy.  In the meantime, we send our love and blessings!  Take care and stay healthy.

Elder & Sister Lewis


  1. Good morning Kary, I am enjoying your notes weekly I am sorry I am not as good at getting back. Jan and I are doing well. She is working from home and is a little frustrated but that will pass. I am as active through zoom and many other ways. The AAIC is beginning to get a lot of recognition in the Interfaith world. We are working on an Interfaith Collaborative. It is slow but we gain support each week. This morning we had an informal coffee and chat. 10 people joined I think we will do this weekly. If you can get zoom maybe you could join some time. Please take Care Be healthy. Nice to keep up with you.

  2. It's good to hear from you. I'm thrilled to know that the AAIC continues to influence the interfaith world for good. Keep up the great work and please give my best to Jan.
