Sunday, September 1, 2019

People, Prophets, Promises!

This was an awesome week for us!  On Monday, we had the opportunity to gather with approximately 11,000 Ecuadorian PEOPLE at the Coliseo General Ruminahui Convention Center (a 12 minute walk from our apartment),  to listen to the PROPHET and President of the Church, Russell M. Nelson and others speak to members and investigators.  He was joined by his wife, Sister Nelson, Elder & Sister Falabella (area authority), and Elder & Sister Cook (Quorum of the 12 Apostles).  Their messages were uplifting and inspiring.  We especially enjoyed the translators who translated with extreme ease the words that were spoken by Elder & Sister Cook and Sister Nelson.  At three different times in Sister Cook's talk she sang a phrase from a Primary song or hymn that illustrated her thoughts.  The female translator didn't skip a beat; she went from translating the verbiage to singing the phrase in her beautiful soprano voice.  It was remarkable.

Elder Lewis helping an elderly Ecuadorian
woman maneuver the crowd and the stairs.

Speaking of singing, there was also a choir that sang two hymn arrangements.  Both were beautiful!  To be honest, we've thought since our first Sunday that perhaps Ecuadorians were a little tone deaf.  The hymns we've heard at Church for the past 3 Sundays have sounded like they were being sung with little or no pitch, basically in monotones. However, at the conference the choir was stunning.  They sang an arrangement of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" that was amazing!  We now have a new respect for the musical talents of Ecuadorians.

The common message of the speakers was teaching our families the gospel of Jesus Christ and utilizing the blessings of the Holy Spirit  to sustain us through seasons of peace and prosperity as well as seasons of challenge and trial.  Sister Nelson reminded us that as we seek God's direction for our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit we can come to understand "the measure of our creation." 

President Nelson addressed the conference in Spanish.  At the beginning of his comments, he asked the children to stand and wave, then he asked the youth to stand, then he asked all who had gathered to stand.  He then said it was important for us to "let our feet know that they have work to do."  Elder Cook and President Nelson both gave apostolic blessings and PROMISED that if we were faithful to our covenants and to the Lord, God would provide and sustain us.  Watch highlights here:

We left the conference feeling strengthened and uplifted.  Our hearts and feet had been instructed to know that "they have work to do." How grateful we are to be members of Christ's church and to know that if we are faithful we can have the constant companionship of the Holy Spirit to guide us through our mortal journey.

On Tuesday and Thursday we attended zone conferences.  We were able to meet with the mission president and his wife, President & Sister Barlow; Elder & Sister Peterson (Quito Temple missionaries); Elder & Sister Graham (area missionaries for emotional health); and the missionaries from 2 of the 3 zones.  Both days were amazing and we learned so much.  Elder Lewis and I both feel like we are understanding more Spanish with each passing week.  We are still lacking in conversation skills, but our reading and interpretive skills are improving.

President & Sister Barlow taught about the spirit and miracles.  Elder & Sister Peterson explained their assignment to write the history of the construction of the Quito Temple and to be missionaries to the construction workers.  Elder & Sister Graham gave an entertaining and meaningful presentation on maintaining emotional health while serving as missionaries.

Sister Lewis with three beautiful Hermanas 
following Zone Conference.

Saturday we went to see the Basilica Del Voto Nacional - the Basilica of the National Vow.  It is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Quito.  It was a 1.1 mile walk from our apartment and mostly uphill.  You can see from the pictures below the beauty of the facility and it's incredible architecture.  You can also access more information at Basilica.  One very interesting fact is that the Basilica remains technically "unfinished."  Local legend says that when the Basilica is completed, the end of the world will come.

11 Photos from our Basilica adventure.

#1 - A distance view of the Basilica.  Majestically
situated on a hillside for all to see.

#2 - One Basilica entrance.

#3 - A view of the Basilica Plaza with the bell
tower that reaches for the heavens.

#4 - Inside the main nave.

#5 - Elder Lewis walks the bridge to climb the
stairs to the bell tower.

#6 - The first flight of stairs to climb the bell tower 
in Photo #3.

#7 - Climbing shoes?  Not for me.  I wore tennis shoes
and jeans, but this cute Ecuadorian mother made the 
climb in her white pants and heels.  I was impressed!!

#8 - The second of three flights of stairs to the bell tower.  

#9 - Looking across the roof of the Basilica from 
the bell tower to the other end.  
A beautiful view of the dual towers.

#10 - After our harrowing climb to and from the 
bell tower this entrance looked warm and welcoming.

#10 - After our bell tower climb at the Basilica 
we treated ourselves at a nearby McDonald's
with a milkshake and McFlurry.  Our first
McDonald's stop in Ecuador.
YES, the taste is the same!

We send our love to all!  Best wishes for a wonderful week!


  1. Thank you so much for your blog. Jan and I were just admiring your commitment. We admire you so much. We said it would be fun to visit you during your mission. Please be safe and enjoy this privilege. you are in our hearts always.

  2. What a treat to share with me your trip to the Basilica! Thank you! When you follow God's path, you'll be rewarded...AMEN! Cynthia Sheeks

  3. Couldn't help but laugh outloud when I saw the final basilica picture ... the one of ice cream! Wouldn't be Elder Lewis is there wasn't ice cream :).
