Sunday, August 25, 2019

The "Quito" Diet and More!

Our 3rd week in Quito has passed and both Elder Lewis and I have lost some weight on the "Quito Diet."  It's a little different from the Keto Diet, but rather effective.  We eat a light breakfast before leaving for the office, a late lunch at a nearby Ecuadorian restaurant, and then a sweet treat in the evening.  Lunch is high in protein - meat and beans or lentils with a little rice and salad.  That's about the only similarity to the Keto Diet.  The real  benefit of the Quito Diet is that we are walking EVERYWHERE.....1/2 mile here, 3/4 of a mile there, 1 mile over there, etc.  Of course the weather is constantly beautiful so walking is not a problem unless you're carrying  a week's worth of groceries.; then it become a little problematic.  However, we are learning how to balance the weight of multiple grocery bags and developing some upper body strength as well.

The Quito Diet - Lunch at Mesnestras de Negro
Tuesday's Special
2 plates for 1 price of $4.99

This past week we enjoyed lunch with the newer missionaries and their trainers as well as President and Sister Barlow.  We also volunteered to go on a teaching experience with the Elders and had the opportunity to share our testimonies.   We continue to share pass-along cards on bus trips and find that people are willing to talk and to consider an invitation to learn more about Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow the Prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be speaking at the conventional center near us.  From what I understood in Church today (with my limited language skills), a Prophet has not been in Quito for 28 years.  If that is truly the case, you can only imagine how excited the Ecuadorian Saints are to see and hear a prophet of God speak in their ciudad (city).

President Russell M. Nelson 
in Guatemala South American Tour 

To give you an idea of the excitement and enthusiasm that is among the members, let me share an experience I had this past Wednesday.......

"Today a youth leader came to the mission office with 4 youth - 2 young men and 2 young women. He asked if the youth could shop the mission store for Sunday clothes that they could wear to hear the prophet speak. The mission store is basically left over clothing, shoes, and a few other items from former missionaries. Some of the items are in pretty good shape, but most of them are worn and dated.

I took the four youth up to the store to help them shop. It was so much fun to see how excited they were to find clothes that they thought would be appropriate to attend a meeting with the Prophet. At one point I was so moved by their enthusiasm that I had to fight back tears. They would pick something out to see if it would fit and then ask for my approval. When I would nod approval and say “muy bueno” their faces would beam with confidence.

When we finished, the 2 young women had dresses and shoes; the young men had suit coats, slacks, white shirts, ties, shoes, and socks. I also taught the young men how to tie their ties correctly and how to fold and hang their slacks on a hanger so they would look neat and pressed. It was an amazing and humbling experience to serve these youth, and to see their countenances shine with the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ as they prepared to receive prophetic counsel.  

I hope to see my four young friends on Monday night. I know there will be a lot of people at the convention center, but maybe I’ll be blessed to see their shining faces again.....dressed and prepared to see and hear a Prophet speak.  

Love to all from Quito!

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