Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Missionary Christmas!

 What does a missionary Christmas look like?   Let me share a few highlight from our Christmas season.  After our Galapagos trip, I started feeling a little down ..... and trunky.  ("Trunky" is an expression used by missionaries to suggest that a missionary is ready to return home.) Well, I'm not sure I was ready to return to the States in the middle of winter, BUT I was ready to be with family for the holidays.

I was also wanting to do some service, but with COVID restrictions and language limitations, I was finding it a little difficult to do so.  However, being patient and staying the course made all the difference in our holiday season.

To begin with, I once again finished reading the Book of Mormon in English, and also finished reading it for the first time in Spanish.  I love the Book of Mormon.  As mentioned in a previous blog, for me it is a gift that keeps on giving.  The desire of the Book of Mormon writers was to persuade the reader to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him. Though far from perfect, I do know that reading and studying the Book of Mormon brings me closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ.  

On December 10th, we had our mission zone conference.  Each of the nine December zone conferences were held at President & Sister Winters home.  They invited the missionaries to participate in their family traditions by decorating sugar cookies, reading the Christmas story and singing Christmas carols, engaging in a white elephant gift exchange, reflecting on what Christlike attribute we can strive to develop in the New Year, and eating a delicious dinner.  It was a great zone conference and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Decorating sugar cookies.

My white elephant gift.  A pair of novelty socks that Elder Ordonez took from me.

Elder Lewis takes his gift from Elder Rodriguez.

I ended up with the Ecuadorean scarf!

Zone Leaders - Elder Yamberla and Elder Gomez were delighted with their white elephant/watermelon gift!

La Colon Zone.

Photos with the Assistants and office Elders. L-R: Elder Rodriguez, Elder Duran, Elder Bolanos, Elder Chaparro, Elder Valencia, Elder Ordonez, Elder Lewis, Sister Lewis.

For our traditional Christmas gift to friends and neighbors, Elder Lewis suggested we share a hard-back copy of the Book of Mormon, a pass along card, a small packaged treat, and our testimony (in Spanish) to those vendors and/or businesses near our apartment complex who have consistently served us for the past 17 months.  It was a wonderful idea!  

Our Christmas gift to friends in Ecuador.

We shared 9 Books of Mormon and our testimony.  All were well-received!  Our list included:  the two security guards at our apartment complex; the woman at the corner fruit/vegetable store; my hairdresser; the owner of the lavanderia (laundry/dry cleaners); the owners of La Casona, a restaurant where we used to eat lunch when we were in the old office building; the two owners of Le Bon Restaurant, the place where we now eat lunch; and a street guard that we pass each morning on our way to the office.  

Our testimony was simple .... "thank you for your service to us.  We'd like to share with you the Book of Mormon, a companion to the Holy Bible.  Both books testify of Jesus Christ.  We know that you can feel the love and Spirit of God when you read it."  Sharing the Book of Mormon and our testimonies was definitely a Christmas highlight.

Christmas Eve we shared the hospitality of President & Sister Winters and three of their six children - Rachael, Sarah, and Joseph.  The Winters are an accomplished musical family.  After dinner, we read and sang through a Christmas script that had been written by Sister Winters' father.  Elder Lewis and I felt like we were participating with a quintet from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  It was amazing!

On Christmas Day, we loved hearing from our children and grandchildren about their Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Micah and Julie announced that Baby #4 is on its way and due on April 24, 2021.  That will be Grandchild #30 for us!  Fifteen grandsons and fifteen granddaughters.  We are thrilled!

Christmas Day we had the four office missionaries and two Assistants over for dinner and games.  The missionaries taught us how to play Unstable Unicorns, and we taught them how to play 7's and Mormon Bridge with Rook cards.  It was great fun!

Playing Unstable Unicorns and Mormon Bridge on Christmas Day 2020 with the office Elders and Assistants.

Final thoughts:  I know there are times when I feel like I'm not doing enough, and that I could do more.  Holidays can often enhance those feelings. While I was studying on Christmas morning, I came across this short video.  It reminded me that Christlike service received and Christlike service extended are happening everyday, often in small and simple ways that we don't even recognize.  We hope and pray that this video reminds you of all the good you do .... EVERYDAY!

Blessings to all and best wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Elder & Sister Lewis

1 comment:

  1. The Christmas season is indeed special because you think about something and someone besides yourself. It is shame that Christmas spirit doesn't extend to the whole year. I have so enjoyed your journey.
