Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Book of Mormon....A Gift that Keeps on Giving!

As I continue to reread the talks from October's 2020 General Conference, I am grateful for the messages and counsel we received from latter-day prophets and apostles.  Their words bring peace and optimism to my mind and heart. 

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  
Seated: President Russell M. Nelson.  Left: 1st Counselor Dallin H. Oaks.  Right:  2nd Counselor Henry B. Eyring.

The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Seated (L-R): Acting President M. Russell Ballard, Jeffrey R. Holland, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, David A. Bednar, 
Quentin L. Cook.  Standing (L-R) D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Anderson,  Ronald A. Rasband, 
Gary E. Stevenson, Dale G. Renlund, Garrett W. Gong, Ulisses Soares.

In the Women's broadcast on Saturday evening, President Nelson (President and Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) counseled the women of the church, and I might add, the world, to "embrace the future with faith."  ( See -

In President Nelson's talk he said, ".... few things build faith more than does regular immersion in the Book of Mormon.  No other book testifies of Jesus Christ with such power and clarity.  Its prophets, as inspired by the Lord, saw our day and selected the doctrine and truths that would help us most.  The Book of Mormon is our latter-day survival guide."

With this post, I feel impressed to share my own experience and testimony of the Book of Mormon.  My first real encounter with the Book of Mormon was in high school, as an early morning seminary student.  It was my senior year and John Abraham, a busy hard-working farmer, was our seminary teacher.  No doubt, it was a sacrifice for him to take time out of his daily work schedule to prepare, and then teach a one-hour gospel lesson to a class of tired and usually inattentive teenagers.  But, he was there, and we would talk about the great teachings of the Book of Mormon, and life.

After graduating from high school, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend Brigham Young University in Provo, UT.  BYU freshmen were strongly encouraged, required, to take two Book of Mormon classes their first year.  My older sister Patti, recommended that I take my two Book of Mormon classes from Cleon Skousen.  What a blessing that was!  Brother Skousen was a scholar of the Book of Mormon and an incredible teacher.  Not only did we learn Book of Mormon facts and doctrine, but his ability to invite the Spirit (the true teacher) into the classroom was remarkable.  Through my Book of Mormon classes, I gained a much greater understanding of the doctrine of the atonement of Jesus Christ, and the attending doctrines of faith, obedience, repentance, forgiveness, and endurance.  And though Wikipedia might have a different perspective of Cleon Skousen, his class left me with spiritual impressions that I still cherish today.  

The Book of Mormon is a companion to the Bible, and a 2nd witness of Jesus Christ and his restored gospel.  It is tangible evidence that "the work of the Father has commenced upon all the face of the land" (see Book of Mormon, Ether 5:17).  What work, you might ask? The great work of the gathering of Israel, and of preparing the world for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.  

The Bible - a testament of Christ's dealings with the people in the Old World.
The Book of Mormon - a testament of Christ's dealings with His children in the Americas.
See Ezekiel 37:15-17.

The Book of Mormon witnesses to all that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world.  But, it has provided for me a personal witness that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. A testimony which has sustained me through the challenges and blessings of life, and continues to grow.  Yes, the Book of Mormon is a gift that keeps on giving.  No matter how many times I have read and studied its pages, the Book of Mormon continues to open the windows of personal revelation.  In that sacred text I find  comfort and direction for my life.

In addition to being a witness of Jesus Christ, a survival guide, and tangible evidence that God's work of gathering Israel and preparing for His return have begun; I have also found the Book of Mormon to be:

1- An instructional manual for repentance.  As I have studied how those in the Book of Mormon (from Lehi to Moroni) responded to the invitation to repent, I have been blessed with a greater understanding of how to access the power of Christ's atonement in the repentance process - how to repent, how to forgive, how to recognize God's forgiveness for me and others, and the resulting joy and peace that comes because of Him.  

"And My Soul Hungered" (Enos praying) by Al R. Young.  See Enos, Book of Mormon

2- A parenting/relationship handbook.  On numerous occasions, I have found answers to my parental concerns in the Book of Mormon.  Answers to questions that range from simple concerns of managing a toddler, maintaining harmony in a large family, and teen-age dating to more complex issues of covenant keeping, overcoming adversity, and the reality of "eternal" life.  

A painting by Jerry Thompson depicting Lehi reaching for the fruit of the Tree of Life.  See 1 Nephi 8, Book of Mormon.

3- A preparatory guide for the 2nd Coming.  The Book of Mormon was written for our day.  It's doctrine and teachings are there to prepare us for the Savior's return.  As I read about the events leading up to and including the Savior's visit to the Nephites, I see a type and shadow of what we are experiencing today.  I find great promise and optimism in knowing that Christ will return.  Like the Nephites in 3 Nephi 11, I want to be there, with my family, united in our testimony of Christ.  The Book of Mormon provides me with a powerful visual of future blessings IF I faithfully meet the challenges of today's world. I know that someday I will stand/kneel before Him and know that He is!  

"Jesus Christ Visits the Americas" by John Scott.  See 3 Nephi 11, Book of Mormon.

My humble testimony is that the Book of Mormon is true.  I know that God knows that I know that it is true.  His promise at the close of the Book of Mormon, penned by the ancient prophet Moroni, is for all:

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."  (See Moroni 10:4-5)

Love and blessings to all!

Sister Lewis

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