Monday, June 29, 2020

"What Shall I Write?"

I stare at my screen, "What shall I write?"
"Something meaningful, not bland or trite."
However, tonight the words slowly come,
As my fingers to keyboard, mindlessly drum!

The week was great, we accomplished a lot.
The good of the mission was prayerfully sought.
Our numbers have settled with 'hellos' and 'good-byes';
Stability brings a grateful sigh.

But, quarantine continues, we're 100+ days;
Anxious for restrictions to ALL go away!
"Patient, be strong," the Spirit prompts;
While we desire to be totally swamped.

How long it will last, remains to be seen;
Enduring and waiting, we keep things clean!
Changing offices will soon occur,
Unless the move is somehow deterred.

Please oh please, let that not be!
We're living from boxes, it's now week 3.
Computers are running on borrowed time,
Current conditions are not sublime.

Our mission president is going to change,
A temporary leader has been arranged.
The future president will have to wait,
For VISAS to arrive, that's COVID fate.

We'll soldier up and move ahead,
Uncharted waters we're wont to tread.
We know this work belongs to God,
Hold fast we will to the iron rod.

Disciples forever we intend to be!
Especially for family, whom we want to see;
That Grandpa and Grandma are stalwart and true,
In living the gospel and all that they do.

Love & Blessings to all!
Elder & Sister Lewis

We hosted a Sunday evening going away dinner for President & Sister Barlow.  The Assistants and the office secretaries joined us in person and we Zoomed in the rest of the mission for the banner, video, and gift presentation.

L-R:  Elder Fueres (AP), Elder Chepe (housing secretary), Sister Barlow, President Barlow, Elder Ramirez (office secretary), and Elder Orben (AP).  Last week, these four Elders and I  prepared a musical number - "Nearer, My God, To Thee" for a special Saturday evening online area devotional honoring President & Sister Barlow's outstanding service. 
President wept listening to the missionaries sing.  It was a tender experience!

President & Sister Barlow always greeted arriving missionaries with a "Bienvenidos - Welcome" banner at the airport.  The Elders reciprocated with a "Muchas Gracias" departure banner for the Barlows.  They also put together a video that included all the missionaries, as companionships or individually, expressing their "thanks."  It was amazing!

We will miss the Barlows - their love, leadership, and service have been exemplary.  It has been an
honor for us to serve in the Ecuador Quito Mission under their direction.  We wish them well as they
leave the Andes of Ecuador and return to the Rockies of Utah.