Sunday, May 17, 2020

HELLO - goodbye - HELLO!

HELLO - goodbye - HELLO!  Those 3 words would best describe our week!  On Monday, we said "HELLO" to 8 new missionaries.  On Tuesday we said "goodbye" to 8 missionaries.  On Wednesday, we again said "HELLO" to 28 more missionaries.  We call it the "missionary shuffle."

The incoming missionaries are all Ecuadorians who have returned from various countries, have been quarantined for 2 weeks, have entered our mission - the Ecuador Quito Mission, have been assigned to new companions, have moved to a new apartment, and have returned to quarantine conditions until further notice! 

The outgoing missionaries are doing the same.  Returning to their home countries, staying in quarantine for 2 weeks, entering a local mission, getting a new companion, moving to a new apartment, and returning to quarantine conditions until further notice. 

Ecuador Quito Mission welcoming a new group of missionaries.  As I look at their face masks, I'm reminded of the Lord's words in Doctrine & Covenants 33.  Missionaries then and now are instructed to "open your mouths."  And to "..... be faithful, praying always, having your lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be ready at the coming of the Bridegroom -- For behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, that I come quickly.  Even so.  Amen."  Our missionaries are ready to open their mouths and share the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is an honor to serve with them.
It may sound confusing to some, but it is amazing to see how orderly the "missionary shuffle" takes place. It's even more incredible to see how adaptable the missionaries are as they make the transition.  It requires an attitude of faith, patience, resilience, flexibility, and obedience to make the sacrifices and adjustments that they are call upon to make. 

It is much easier to say "HELLO" than it is to say "goodbye."  There is excitement in the air when a new group of missionaries arrive.  However, the atmosphere is somber when missionaries depart.  We've been through this shuffle a few times, but I can't say that it gets any easier.  Especially when missionaries leave earlier than expected.  The great blessing is that they do leave with honor, and we are confident that they will be a blessing to the new mission where they are assigned. 
Missionary Shuffle - new missionaries arrive with their luggage to meet existing missionaries.  After a brief orientation meeting in the parking lot with President & Sister Barlow, companionships are announced and missionaries prepare to depart for their assigned sectors.  (We work hard to keep groups small and maintain social distancing, but it is difficult!)
This man arrived during a missionary shuffle to disinfect luggage, vehicles, and the parking lot.
I'm not sure it made much difference, but the visual was impressive.
The mission was sad to send back one of the Assistants - Elder Ruiz (4th from left). 
He was a fearless missionary and will be missed, but he told us that his mother would be thrilled to see him.
L-R:  Sister Barlow, President Barlow,  Elder Orben/AP, Elder Ruis/AP, Elder Ramirez/secretary, Elder Fueres/AP, Elder Felix/housing secretary, Elder Chepe/housing secretary to replace Elder Felix. 

As of today, we have officially been in quarantine for 62 days.  Rumor has it that quarantine conditions will be lightened at the end of this month.  HOORAH!  We are looking forward to that.  It will give us more flexibility to get out and about, and more choices of places to shop.  Our weekly outing has been walking to Supermaxi on Saturdays to buy groceries.  Yesterday, when we arrived at Supermaxi, we were pleased to see that the social distancing line was much shorter, we didn't have to have our temperature checked before entering the store, we were asked if we wanted to get sprayed by disinfectant before entering, and the store was not crowded.  Wonderful days are ahead😊!

I know you've heard stories like, "I walked 5 miles to school in snow that was 3 feet deep."  Well..... our trips to Supermaxi are not that dramatic, but with quarantine conditions there are few taxis available, we walk 8 blocks from Supermaxi to our apartment complex carrying 50 lbs. of groceries between the two of us.  Yesterday, Elder Lewis made a record and single-handedly carried 35.2 lbs of groceries with only 1 stop to readjust his load and get some circulations back into his fingertips. 

Elder Lewis managing 35.2 lbs of groceries from Supermaxi.
As we look forward to those "wonderful days ahead," we pray that the Lord will continue to bless and keep you.

With love,
Elder & Sister Lewis


  1. Always great to hear from you. Glad that you are both doing well. Stay safe and healthy.

  2. Thanks Alan! Our best to you and Jan!
