Sunday, March 8, 2020

Alopecia! Verification!

I saw the dermatologist again this week and after taking or using the prescribed medication, foam, lotion, and shampoo for 2 weeks, her latest diagnosis is ALOPECIA. "Alopecia is hair loss or balding. It may happen on any part of the body. There are many types of alopecia. Some types cause temporary hair loss and your hair will grow back. With other types, hair loss can get worse, and become permanent."  The doctor did not specify what type of Alopecia I have, but she did alter two of the products I was using and recommended that I continue treatment for 30 more days.  

I've used the new combination of products for 4 days and I am not seeing any reduction in hair loss.  At the current rate of hair loss I don't think there will be much left when I see the doctor again in April.  

I know that I'm not the first woman in the world to lose my hair, but when I consider that there is a very real possibility it will never grow back, I feel a little discouraged.  I'm trying to stay optimistic, but the last week has been an emotional roller coaster, vacillating between hopeful to hopeless!

Looking beyond my hair loss struggle, mission life is going very well.  This past week we joined the new missionaries for their verification training.  Verification is a training day that occurs approximately 3 weeks after a missionary arrives in the mission. The 9 new missionaries, 5 Elders and 4 Sisters, that arrived on February 17th are adjusting well. They are working effectively with their companions, adjusting to the food and climate, and making progress with the language.  Adjusting to missionary life can be a challenge, but having a realistic and optimistic perspective makes all the difference.  

President Barlow reminded the missionaries of the 3 C's and counseled them NOT to:
1 - Compete 
2 - Compare 
3 - Complain  

He also taught us that successful missionaries:
1 - Have the Spirit with them
2 - Are humble
3 - Love the people
4 - Work diligently 

This information is meaningful counsel for everyone and applies to all walks of life.

Our news is brief this week.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf.  We are grateful for the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and we are thrilled to be here in Ecuador helping the missionaries share that message with the beautiful Ecuadorean people.

Blessings to all,
Elder & Sister Lewis

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